Monday, September 26, 2011

never forget

Sometimes we often forget of how we get to where we are. The real experiences that led us down a certain path and the people that got us there, whether it be family, friends, or just some random person you run into one day. We swear to ourselves that this moment with this person will be in our memories forever. But more often than one would realize...that's not the case. Its human nature. We forget. But it seems to me that its almost always the good things instead of the bad. Nevermind the sacrifices your parents or others make to see that you get what you want or need. Or even the act of random kindness someone does for absolutely no reason. They just open a door for you, give you a call to see how you've been, or just happen to say the right thing in the moment you need it the most. But we will hold on to that grudge about that person that tried to steal your boyfriend or girlfriend sophomore year with ever fiber of our being. Those insignificant moments we will cling to forever until death won't let us grip it any longer. I'm very guilty of it all myself. I have parents who love me more than i deserve. I have a family at home who i underappreciate constantly. I've had friends who didn't make it to know love or children who would've given anything to be where i am today. Yet i find myself constantly complaining about work, money, and things that are of no importance in the grand scheme of things. Don't let yourself become like that. Or if you already have...change. If not for yourself, do if for those who have sacrificed for you or those who will never have the chance to experience the fullness of life. My grandpa had been gone for several years now, and i wonder if he's pleased with the man i've become. I hope he's proud of me and my attempts to never forget.

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